Ted Lai, Yolk Magazine Winter/Spring 1998 Standing at a well-toned 6’1″, it’s a surprise that Kip Fulbeck lacks definition. In a world where we are often defined by what we do, Fulbeck, a recently tenured professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, is also a photographer, a standup comedian, a performance artist, a former […]
Sumitra Visanathan, Men’s Review (Malaysia) October 1996 John Woo and Jackie Chan may be kicking open the doors of Hollywood, but tinseltown’s images of Asians remain as bad as they ever were. Asian American Kip Fulbeck is working to change that, writes Sumitra Visvanathan. Nothing annoys Kip Fulbeck more than being stereotyped. The independent film-maker’s
Looh Foon Fong, The Star (Malaysia) September 12, 1996 An enthusiastic young film-maker blows into town, spreading the message that young people can make their own movies if they want to- well, they can at least try their hands at it without too much trouble. LOOH FOON FONG has the story. You’re sitting in your
Made a decade before the Terry Schiavo case entered the national consciousness, Fulbeck chronicles his Cantonese grandmother’s physical decline and its deep impact on his mother and family “Both funny and sobering, themes of death and life swim in and out of these stories — each told with the soul and clarity of a child
A 9-year-old black belt, Buddhists butchering Christmas carols & a nephew reciting pi to 200 digits — the quintessential American Christmas captured in a delightfully playful home movie about home movies “Have you ever been at a party and realized your in-laws are vastly entertained by the things that embarrass you most about your family?
A wacky spoof on the racial politics operating behind a hit television dating show “Keep your ears pricked up and your eyes glued to the screen; there’s a lot going on here. Fulbeck rehashes a dozen too-Oriental-for-you images and delivers a bullet-speed narrative that exposes the racists designs of the show’s ‘Gestapo’ producers” — Seattle
An exploration of Asian Female/White Male pairings in Hollywood movies and their real and imagined effects on gender politics and Asian American masculinity “This is a terrific, intense, multimedia experience — deconstructing Hollywood’s images of Asian Americans … it ought to be seen by Asian American women” — Hawaii International Film Festival Special Juror’s Award,
Gerald Lim, AsianWeek May 13, 1994 Kip Fulbeck shouldn’t expect an Oscar anytime soon. As the omnipotent Academy of Motion Pictures purportedly continues to embrace socially conscious, politically correct, heart-on-a-sleeve epics (see pattern in last three “best” pictures: “Dances with Wolves,” “Unforgiven,” “Schindier’s List”), filmmaker Fulbeck and his independent cohorts continue to push the envelope
Fulbeck’s ‘Some Questions’ Will Push Some Buttons Read More »
Gerard Lim, AsianWeek April 16, 1993 For Kip Fulbeck, the otherwise simple and mundane task of checking a box designating his ethnicity poses a serious problem. Like other mixed-blood Asian Pacific Americans—emphasis on Asian, or is it Pacific, or is it American—Fulbeck must grapple with his identity of half-identities in order to deliver an accurate,
A tongue-in-cheek tag along through the Del Mar Fair, as Fulbeck interviews an artist claiming heavy influence from Oriental art